Missions Team
Our passion is not just knowing and following Jesus, but helping others to experience the life to the fullest Jesus came to give us. This begins with those God has placed in our spheres of influence, in our neighborhoods, and flows to the nations.
There are many different ways you can engage missions at Neighborhood Church.
Prayer - You can be a part of the prayer team and receive updates from our missionary partners and be praying for their requests in real time.
Short Term Missions - There are opportunities to join a small team and go. These have ranged from building houses, facilitating a summer camp and doing relief work.
Missionary Liaison - You can be partnered with a specific missionary and keep our church family up to date on their prayer requests and ways we can celebrate the way God is working and moving in their ministry.
Missionary Support and Encouragement - There's opportunities to send birthday cards, gifts and notes on behalf of our church to keep our missionaries encouraged.
If you're interested in one or more of these areas, fill out of the form on the right and we'll be in touch with you.