

"Lessons from Three Kings," wk#33 “Ecclesiastes & Control” (Ecc. 12:13).

Aug. 22, 2021 Neighborhood Church Chico Sunday Service Series wk33 "Lessons from Three Kings"  “Ecclesiastes & Control” (Ecc. 12:13).


In this message Pastor Andrew talks about Solomon's reasoning that we can’t control anything in this life.  He concludes our response should be fearing God and obeying His commands.  We are asking Jesus to point out where we have been trying to control people, things and circumstances.  Our goal is to surrender to Him more & live in Self Control. 

Leadership Question(s): What is fine line between persuasion/good leadership and control/manipulation? How would you differentiate between the two? Do you agree with the statement "Good leadership is empowering, not controlling?" How can we empower others as leaders? What forms of control do you see in leadership?

 ·  Andrew talked about Fear in our lives leading to us to try to control people, things and circumstances... where have you seen that true in your life before or even currently?

·  How do you grow in self control? (hint: it's not about working harder at it)

·  When you think about a time that you were the most disciplined in your life (experiencing the most self control)... what is different today from that time, and how can you get back to that kind of empowered existence?

"Lessons from Three Kings," Week 28: “ Solomon's Spiritual Spiral” (1 Kings 11).

Aug. 15, 2021 Neighborhood Church Chico Sunday Service-Series Wk#33 " Lessons from Three Kings" Solomon's Spiritual Spiral” (1 Kings 11). In this message Pastor Andrew talks about Solomon's slide away from Godly living into compromise. Though he was the wisest person who ever lived, he didn't apply that knowledge of how to live as he grew older. The challenge for us is to worship and serve Jesus with a whole heart.
Lifegroup Questions: Galatians 5:7 says: "You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth?" The key question we asked on Sunday was: What or Who has pulled you away from wholeheartedly following Jesus? Share what has been making following Jesus difficult in this past season.
Leadership question: Some spouses, parents, bosses and leaders will do anything to keep the peace. Solomon certainly was willing to compromise following God completely to keep peace with his wives - where are you pressured or tempted to compromise to keep peace?
Andrew talked about being unequally yoked with unbelievers (1 Tim. 6)... the delicate balance must be found to be in the lives of those who don't know Jesus & making sure that you are spending enough time with those who will nurture and strengthen your faith (other believers). How is that balance going for you? Have you found that time with unbelievers is causing you to compromise your Biblical values?

Lessons from Three Kings - "How to Not be a Fool" - Chris Thrasher Wheatley

August 1, 2021 Neighborhood Church Chico Sunday Service- Series Wk30 "Lessons from Three Kings In this message Chris Thrasher Wheatley looks at the interplay of wisdom and folly in the book of Proverbs, highlighting the dangers of foolishness and the ways we can choose wisdom as a church.
Life Group Questions: 1. Wisdom is defined as “receiving God’s instruction and persevering with it unto fulfillment” — what areas of your life do you feel invited to pursue God’s instruction? (Ie. Money, relationships, sobriety, etc) 2. Who are your key people, your “trusted advisors,” who can and will speak into your life? Do they know you see them this way? Do they have permission to correct you?

Lessons from Three Kings - "Power of Words - Proverbs 20:15" - Sue Musselman

Lessons from Three Kings - "Words - Proverbs 20:15" - Sue Musselman

 In this message Sue Musselman talks about how we can become people of Proverbs who have words that are the wellspring of life. Who speak words that are marked by the power, presence and purposes of God. “Wise speech is rarer and more valuable than gold and rubies.”- Proverbs 20:15

 Life Group Questions

1.     Which of the proverbs shared today speaks to you the most? Why?
2.     What words that have been spoken over you or through you need to be evaluated or changed?
3.     Share with someone how a life-giving word(s) spoken over you has impacted your life.
4.     What is one thing that you could do starting today that would help to embed life-giving, spirit-saturated words into your soul?

"Lessons from Three Kings" Interlude, Guest Speaker Pastor Gaylord Enns - Mark's Testimony

July 18, 2021 Neighborhood Church Chico Sunday Service. In this weeks message, Life is difficult, but God is faithful and will help us! we all have a testimony and there is power in sharing with others. Pastor Gaylord Enns facilitates Mark Gregoire's testimony. Life Group Questions: 1.. What did Actor Jon Voight hear God say when he was lying on the floor saying “It’s so difficult! It’s so difficult!”? Have you ever found yourself in that same place? 3. What did James say we were to do when we faced trails? Why? (James 1:2-4) 4. Why should we be content with what we have? (Hebrews 13:5-6) 5. How could you identify with Mark Gregoire’s testimony?

"Lessons from Three Kings," Week 27

July 11, 2021 Neighborhood Church Chico Sunday Service "Lessons from Three Kings," Week 27 “ David Dies & Solomon Rises” (1 Kings 1-3). In this message Pastor Andrew talks about the way that David fails to finish his life well and challenges us with five habits that we can apply in our life to set ourselves up to finish our lives as well. There is also a challenge to embrace confrontation (speaking the truth in love) while facing the areas in our life where we are tempted to procrastinate.

Life Group Questions:The five habits of those finishing well are:
Repeated times of renewal, Lifelong learning, Big picture perspective, Dynamic sense of Calling & Contribution, Coaching and Mentoring of others
Q: When you think about those 5 habits - which of them do you feel God nudging you to work on? Q: What have you delayed in doing that you feel the nudge of the Lord to do? Who can you bring alongside for the strength and support you will need to follow through ?
Leadership Question: Is there an area you are facing in your leadership, parenting, managing, that you have been avoiding that you need to increase your moral courage to confront? How can the group pray for you in that?
Bonus question: Do you have a favorite proverb? If so share it with the group...

"Lessons from Three Kings," Week 26: “ Family Meltdown & Avoiding Confrontation ” (2 Sam. 13-18).

July 4, 2021, Series: "Lessons from Three Kings," Week 26: “ Family Meltdown & Avoiding Confrontation ” (2 Sam. 13-18). In this message Pastor Andrew talks about David's unwillingness to discipline his adult children & the corresponding unraveling of his family due to the consequences of his sin. We will be challenged to speak the truth in love and increase our moral courage through the power of the Holy Spirit. The application has a short list about how to confront in love.


Life Group Questions

·  Confronting others in truth in love is difficult... what is the main hurdle that you face that keeps you from engaging in this behavior more?

·  What conversation have you been avoiding that you know you need to have? How can the group help you, support you, pray for you in that?

·  This culture has tried to squeeze us into it's mold, what behavior have you appeared to have condoned?

·  Leadership principle: Good leaders don't ignore problems just hoping they will disappear. Related question: What issue in your current situation needs more of your attention?

"Lessons from Three Kings," Week 25: “ David & Bathsheba ” (2 Sam. 11-12)

June 27, 2021 Neighborhood Church Chico - Sunday Service Series: "Lessons from Three Kings," Week 25: “ David & Bathsheba ” (2 Sam. 11-12). In this message Pastor Andrew talks about David's temptation and sin in "taking" Bathsheba and then arranging for the murder of Uriah, her husband. We observe six lessons on how NOT to live and are challenged to do the "soul work" of being forgiven.
Lifegroup Questions: 1. In our passage, we see David fall into temptation and "steal" another man's wife. 1 Cor. 10:13 tells us that God always provides a way of escape for us when we are tempted. What sorts of "ways of escape from temptation" have you experienced? What should others look for in the way of an "exit ramp?" 2. Have you read John Eldredge's book Wild at Heart? (if you are a man) Was it helpful? Do you know any men in your life who seem like they are stuck and that book might be a helpful jumpstart for? 3. Who is in your life who you can confess your sins to? Who is trustworthy enough to lovingly listen, and then pray with you to get the forgiveness and release your soul needs? 4. Leadership Question: The power dynamic between David and Bathsheba is very extreme... are there any situations in your leadership where you must be cautious because of a similar power dynamic? (not necessarily sexual in nature)... just a place where if you aren't careful you might over extend someone else unfairly because they feel that they can't say no to you?

"Lessons from Three Kings," Week 24: “The Kindness of a Father” (2 Sam. 7-9)

June 20, 2021, Series: "Lessons from Three Kings,"  Week 24: “The Kindness of a Father” (2 Sam. 9). In this message Pastor Andrew talks about David’s kindness to Saul’s grandson, Mephibosheth.  We will see that David is simply reflecting the kindness of Our Father God, who holds to his covenant love with us.  Our challenge is to reflect God’s kindness to others.

Life group questions:  

  • What does it look like to double down in your marriage or business partnerships to be kind? 

  • How can you show the kindness of God in how you speak to your children? 

  • What kind of kindness can you show to your neighbors in tangible ways? 

  • Some of you are wrestling with how to care for an elderly family member or parent, what does kindness look like in those situations?


"Lessons from Three Kings," Week 23: “Bringing the presence of God ” (2 Sam. 6).

Series: "Lessons from Three Kings," Week 23: “Bringing the presence of God ” (2 Sam. 6). In this message Pastor Andrew talks about David bringing the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem and challenges us to consider how we respond to the presence of God. Worship is the appropriate response to God’s experienced presence.

LifeGroup discussion questions:

1. When you find yourself feeling far from God, what do you do differently to experience God?

2. Are you feeling overly familiar with God? If so, are you willing to receive prayer to have an fresh encounter with God?

3. Leadership question: When you realize you missed it with a poor decision (like David’s lack of care in bringing the ark according to God’s Word), Is it difficult to admit to those who you lead that you missed it? Is there an area where you need to “own” a poor leadership decision?

"Lessons from Three Kings," Week 22: “A Longer Stride & a Larger Embrace” (2 Sam. 5, Psalm 23).

Neighborhood Church Chico - Sunday Service June 6, 2021, Series: "Lessons from Three Kings," Week 22: “A Longer Stride & a Larger Embrace” (2 Sam. 5, Psalm 23). In this message Pastor Andrew talks about David’s coronation as King over all Israel as the shepherd king who matured with a ‘longer stride and a larger embrace.’ LifeGroup Questions 1) (Re: 2 Sam. 2) David inquired of the Lord after after he gets word that Saul is dead. He is patient and seeks God for guidance and direction. What areas in your life are you needing patience to wait on God right now? (Consider praying for each other for these things) 2) (Re: 2 Sam. 3-4) While others we’re taking things into their own hands w/ revenge killings, David chose peace - refusing to “throw spears” back in retaliation. What part of your life do you need to play the role of peacemaker? (E.g. family, work, etc) 3) God is always shaping us, and David could have seized the crown and killed Ish-Bosheth, but He chooses to grow as the king of Judah. Where do you feel like God is shaping you, giving you a small responsibility where you believe He will give you more later? Leadership Question: Ps. 78:70-72 says David led with integrity of heart and skillful hands ... what character is God working on in you & what skills are you currently working on to improve as a leader?

"Lessons from Three Kings," Week 21: “Psalm 22” - Lament to Praise: Vicky Zancanella

In this message Vicky Zancanella walks us through the verses in Psalm 22 making comparisons to the Gospels record of the crucifixion. This prophetic Psalm of David takes us from the Lament at the separation, “My God, My God. Why have your forsaken me” to the Praise at the completion with “He has done it.” 


1. What is your level of hunger for the Word right now? 

2. What things get in the way of spending time is God’s Word? What do you do to not lose that hunger for God’s Word and keep it a priority? 

3. How has God’s Word changed you? Your attitudes? Your heart or compassion? 

4. How do you share God’s Word with others? How do you encourage others with his Word? 

5. What faucet of his Character has God revealed to you lately- and how does that change the way you see yourself? Fill in: Knowing that God is ______________, shows me that I am _______________.

"Lessons from Three Kings," Week 20: “Psalm 145”

In this message, Pastor Chris talks about the necessity of passing our faith on to the next generation. He explains that without personal experiences with God there will be nothing to pass on. David realized that the heart of God is to share with the next generation in an authentic, loving way. Psalm 145 tells us that sharing our God stories will help us to see God in a richer fuller way and will encourage God’s people. Finally, one generation experiences the goodness of the Lord, and the next generation responds to their testimony.

"Lessons from Three Kings," Week 18: “Hannah - Faithfulness in Steadfast Prayer” (1 Samuel 1-2) - Alyssa Read

“Hannah - Faithfulness in Steadfast Prayer” (1 Samuel 1-2) - Alyssa Read

In this Mother’s Day message, Alyssa Read speaks on the faithfulness of Hannah and the ways our character can be shaped by prayer. Even through opposition, evil and turmoil, our call is the same: to remain faithful, steadfast, and trust a God who remembers His people. May we also grow to be sincere people of remembrance who walk alongside people well in painful seasons.

"Lessons from Three Kings," Week 17: “David finding his way back to Strength, Compassion & Generosity” (1 Samuel 27 & 30)

May 2, 2021, Series: "Lessons from Three Kings," Week 17: “David finding his way back to Strength, Compassion & Generosity” (1 Samuel 27 & 30) In this message Pastor Andrew talks about compassion and generosity flow out of a heart that finds it’s strength in the Lord. It is critical for us when our external world is falling apart to retreat to our inner world with Jesus and be strengthened by Him. In that place of seeking Him, we will find our true identity and increased faith.

"Lessons from Three Kings," Week 16: “Sparing Saul & Trusting God's Timing” (1 Samuel 24-26)

April 25, 2021, Series: "Lessons from Three Kings," Week 16: “Sparing Saul & Trusting God's Timing” (1 Samuel 24-26) In this message Pastor Andrew talks about the lessons that we learn through overcoming temptation. As David learns to trust God's timing, we are also learning to not try to "make God's plans happen," but wait for God's intervention.