horse sculpture

We have a master artist who is sculpting, composing and painting us into new creations daily.


We are delightfully crafted in his image and as we say "yes" and trust him in each new step of the process, his masterpiece becomes more and more glorious. We are created to create with him, just as Jesus was there in the creative beginning with the father.  

“In the beginning [before all time] was the Word ( Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself. He was [continually existing] in the beginning [co-eternally] with God. All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him not even one thing was made that has come into being.” John 1:1-3 AMP

We are also invited into His creative process daily, as co-creators, co-designers, co-composers, co-dancers with him. Romans 8 calls us to step up as children of the King,  


“The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “ Abba, Father.” Romans 8:15

The King delights in the expression of you truly being the YOU he created you to be- he created you in his image! 


“The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.”  Romans 8:15-17 NIV

The King delights in the expression of you truly being you!  When I create art, I feel God’s love and pleasure over me, even though I am not the best or most trained artist I know. I have a deep understanding that has come through deep inner growth and healing, which is this:


My worth as a child who brings joy to my  Father God is irrevocable and not based on my performance.


As a perfectionist, self-acceptance has been hard at times, but an experience with a child I was teaching changed me forever and revealed our Creator’s heart to me. I saw this young girl reject her beautiful art because it was not “good enough”. It broke my heart. I put her art on my fridge, and the Lord spoke to my heart, saying: “This is how I see everything that you make and I love it. Just as you want to see that little girl accept her art and accept herself, I want you to accept yourself, and love what you make, just as I love what I made when I made you as my art work.”


As I started accepting my art, I also accepted myself, and I accepted Christ’s love for me!


As I was able to agree with the Lord about the good things that he put inside me, I was able to experience the Love of my creator in new depths! I felt the love of God pour into me and I knew that he loved me - imperfect me - and that nothing could change his mind; I was his creation.


“For we are His workmanship [His own master work, a work of art], created in Christ Jesus [reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used] for good works, which God prepared [for us] beforehand [taking paths which He set], so that we would walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us].”  Ephesians 2:10

In my studies of early childhood development and art with children, I learned about the concept of “process art” when groups of children would playfully explore the use of various artistic mediums and return to a work of art over a series of days. The value was not placed on the finished product that the children were producing, but rather on all the learning and social and sensory experiences that they were gaining through the process of this piece creation. I realized a beautiful analogy in this, that God is in love with the messy process of us. While we are learning and growing and making messy art, he has a master plan that will bring the most glory, and yet, he rejoices in the artistic process with us.

God’s full acceptance of us and joy over our growth in experiencing the holiness and beauty of the Kingdom of God though our sensory experiences, I find empowering and inspiring.

As my heart is delighting in creating something, he is also proud of me as I pause and allow him into every part of my emotional experiences and artistic expressions of them. So paint, draw, dance, write, act, sing, express with freedom. You are treasured, and whatever little scribble or squeak you make, when made to express your heart both towards and with your ABBA Father God, he is proud of you and wants to “put it up on the fridge” of his heart! 


Ask the Lord what old or new creative outlets he has for you to express your heart to him. (And then obey!)


Reflection: Ask yourself a few questions about what your artistic consumption looks like, for what you pour into your soul, surely will grow.  Maybe there is a small creative task that you can do with the Lord this week, and he will speak something to your heart and remind you of his truth. May you boldly explore new depths of discovering God’s heart for you and for those around you through the arts! 


If you missed Pastor Andrew's message last Sunday from his series The Kingdom, "Jesus Is King Over All", click here to watch the video or listen to the podcast.

We invite you to join us online Sundays at 11:00 a.m. for our live stream service which you  can watch on Facebook or YouTube.

Please check our Neighborhood Church Facebook page each weekend for the latest information regarding outside services.

Kendra Floyd

Written by Kendra Floyd

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