Andrew Burchett

Andrew Burchett

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Moving Forward With Expectation

August 14, 2020

As we walk into the vision that God has been writing on our hearts as Neighborhood C hurch, it is our desire to be more and more a reflection of the nations of the world here in Chico.  We want to nurture and encourage reaching those in our city who are from other countries and cultures. 


Our aim is to be a “multi-generational, multi-ethnic and multi-site family.”  


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Friends and Brothers of Jesus

July 9, 2020

Amy calls me her friend.


Years ago I noticed that Amy Wadlow would say to others, “Hey friend, how are you?”  She didn’t say that because she didn’t remember their name and she was using that phrase as a stop gap until she could recall it.  What Amy has done for years in using that phrase is declare the truth of identity and revealed love and loyalty to others by using a simple descriptive phrase.  There is fondness and affection built into that phrase, and while I know that I am Amy’s friend, it’s really nice to hear her say it.


What does Jesus call you?   


In the book of John, we see a progression of intimacy tucked into the ways Jesus addresses his followers.  While all three distinctions of our identity are true, I believe that as we walk with Jesus more and more, he draws us into a deeper and deeper place of intimacy with him.  As we grow in our knowledge of Jesus and have experiences with Him, we learn to appreciate Him more and see him more clearly.   

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Living As Victorious Overcomers

July 2, 2020

"Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny” – CS Lewis  

Our God is constantly shaping us through people, events and circumstances.  Many of the things that help us to grow and prepare us for future victorious moments are times of hardship.

When I think back on my sophomore year at Chico High school, one of the first things I remember is playing football.  I remember the applause of fans as we won every game and won the league title for Junior Varsity.  Few final scores were even close, which means that second string players like me were able to play in almost every game.

That extraordinary season was probably won even before the first day of school started. Late summer practices twice a day to get us in shape and teach us how to work together as a team was a winning strategy. Suffering through “hell week” before the start of school prepared us for lesser hardships later during actual competition because theywould pale in comparison.

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From Orphans to Sons and Daughters

June 25, 2020

Our true destiny is to belong to a family as sons or daughters, not to strive and perform in desperate hope of being noticed like an orphan.  

As a son, I know I can do things to disappoint my parents, but I don’t believe that I can do anything to stop being a son.

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Embracing Our Sainthood

June 18, 2020

As a follower of Jesus, I am a saint.   

That statement sounds bold, and maybe a little bit overblown, but the Bible says sixty (60) times in the New Testament that those who are disciples of Jesus Christ are pure, holy, blameless and holy ones (saints).  This doesn’t mean that as Christians we don’t blow it and sin, but God is faithful to grant us forgiveness when we ask for it. 

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 

I take sin seriously.  It equates to acts of unfaithfulness against Jesus, to whom I have pledged my love.  As one who is growing in my faith, I am grieved when I sin and convicted by the Spirit of God – but as soon as I confess that sin and release it to God – then I am released.  We are not supposed to live our lives looking in the rear-view mirror of what has happened before.  We are called to be looking forward to see where God is working so we can join Him in his work.  My life is not defined by my past; it is defined by who God says I am. 

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Listening, Learning and Loving

June 4, 2020

I’ve been thinking about the last two verses of Psalm 139 today 

23  Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24  See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.  
Psalm 139:23-24 (NIV) 

This morning I am going to have a cardiac ultrasound, a procedure where they look at my heart and the blood vessels around it to see if there are any blockages. With my family heart history, the doctor thought it would be worthwhile to do a “heart check.” I’m glad they are being preventative instead of waiting for a “cardiac event” to take place 

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Finding Our Way Forward

May 21, 2020

For the first time in months I walked into the lobby of the coffee shop and heard the baristas exclaim, “Welcome in!”  Tears of joy came to my eyes.  

Even though they’ve probably been coached to say that by a manager, it sure felt good to be 'welcomed in' instead of feeling pushed away   

There have been so many moments in the last few months where I have been unsure of my welcome. 

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Living a Life of Love

May 14, 2020

Have it your way”  “You deserve a break today”  

 American advertising gives us a steady diet of advertisements that tell us to put yourself and your needs firstThese catchy slogans accompanied by smart musical jingles find their way into our thinking in more ways than just tempting us to order a fast food hamburger While the strategy to capitalize on our own innate desire to selfishly put ourselves first, it’s far from a new temptation.   

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Celebrating the Goodness of God

May 7, 2020

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.   

I was supposed to be standing on a mountain in Ireland this week on a pilgrimage with others from Neighborhood Church. Instead I find myself preparing for a digital prayer meeting – wishing I could be in the same room with others.  

It is easy to play the part of the victim in life, but that heart posture is the opposite of what God says about his people.  He calls us “overcomers” and says we are “more than conquerors.”  This life is filled with moments where we have to choose to live like a victim or live like a victor.  We truly must make a decision to see that we have been given a place of favor (being seated with Christ in the Heavenlies, Eph. 2:6).   

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Encouragement: From Me to You in Times Like This

April 30, 2020

Staying encouraged during difficult times.

Pastors and spiritual leaders are not immune to any of the challenges of this season.  I have personally worked hard to remain encouraged and have experienced some highs and lows.  The other day after work I was so rattled that I put myself to bed and slept from 5pm-6pm.  Not a normal nap time, but I needed to separate myself from others long enough to get my attitude to improve. Later in the evening I read an incredible book by Henri Nouwen "In the Name of Jesus: reflections on Christian Leadership" and it changed my whole outlook.  

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