daydream word cloud

As I was praying on the way to work this morning bringing all my questions, doubts, and need for direction to Jesus. The Lord gave me what I will call a “little daydream” while behind the wheel.

In my mind’s eye, Jesus was stacking up all of my prayer items like someone who works at the return’s desk on  December 26th.  I didn’t imagine Jesus being put out by this truckload of problems and questions I was bringing him.  When I looked at his face, he seemed to be grinning at me from ear to ear, clearly he was reminding me that where I might see things as hopeless,  he carries hope in every situation.

When I looked at the sash that sat on his shoulder, depending upon the need I had, a word would fade in and remain on the material in white.

The words came in the following order:

  • “Faithful” -  He needed to remind me that he was right with me in the midst of the circumstance I am bringing to him.  We know from God’s Word that Jesus will never leave us or forsake us. 
  • “Patient” - I often expect myself to get things right the first time, and the reminder to me was that He is patient with me, therefore I needed to grow in patience in my own growth and development. 
  • “Leader” - It was a divine nudge to live out leadership today. 
  • “Strategy” - Reminding me that I need to seek the will of Jesus for strategy to get heaven’s wisdom before running out ahead on things. 
  • Lastly, “Strong” and “Courageous” appeared.  Joshua came to mind immediately, and then two people holding his arms came to mind.  The Lord was prompting me to ask others for help and support in different ways. 

The Lord is shaping you today for things you will accomplish tomorrow and he is surrounding you with people who can hold your arms up when you get weary.

Your choice is whether or not to trust others with what’s happening in your life, ask for prayer and let them bear your burdens in love (Gal. 6:2).  

Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

It’s scary to be vulnerable because you are empowering someone to use your personal issues against you, but if you don’t choose to open up to others, to stay in isolation, you will be reduced to a powerless Christian with a small influence.

We said last Sunday:  “Leadership is influence.”  You have influence and today, the Lord Jesus is trying to get your attention so He can influence you. 

I encourage you take a few minutes and write down a list of requests and burdens to Jesus on a slip of paper. 

Then ask him to show you what the word on his sash is for you in that moment.  Whatever you feel like you see written across his chest write it down.  If what you see is condemning or accusing; those are not the words of Jesus but of the enemy who wants to disrupt your time with God.  Then share these words with someone else to be sure they line up with what God has already said in His Word to be true.

Jesus wants to influence you today and lead you into some pretty exciting things, and He wants to bring healing to your heart and your mind at the same time.  

So, carve out a few minutes alone with your slip of paper and a pen and get ready to be encouraged! 

If you missed Sunday's message on Leadership is Influence, you can listen to the audio or podcast here

Andrew Burchett

Written by Andrew Burchett

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