DC briefing

Reflections and Thoughts about Current Events


So many things have been written and said about the events of last week in Washington D.C.  I pondered what I might add to the conversation that hasn’t already been expressed.  It is important for me to respond prayerfully and carefully to events that happen in these days.  My thoughts have taken me full circle back to my Bible where I know that I can find truth that won’t change.


Violence is never the response of Jesus 


While our country has given us the right to free speech and the right to peacefully demonstrate, protest and rally, in no way should force be used to harm others.  I am saddened by the loss of life that was needless at our Capital Building last week.  


Corruption and Control are ugly in any party or group.   


We are called to truth, to live in integrity, to love one another and trust in God – not to control others.  Any form of control that is not labeled “self-control” is sin and won’t lead us to the blessing of God.  I’m praying for any corruption and wrong-doing in these days to be exposed and put into the light.   


Making judgments and speaking curses is never a solution.   


We don’t ever know the whole truth, and so it’s important for us to pray for our leaders, for those involved in these situations, and for the truth to be made clear.  Not knowing the answers should not lead us to defend a side, or a camp; it should lead us to pray for the leading of Jesus and his solutions.   

prayer flag


Five Words from the Lord

  1. Humility – I want to remind you that there are devout, authentic, Jesus followers on both sides of the political aisle.  It may be difficult for you to see, but I have friends on both the more liberal end of things and the more conservative end that are praying for Jesus to reign and for His Kingdom to come on the earth.  Not all Christians are letting the humility of Christ guide their speech.  The fear that is running rampant is causing some to double down on their position when it would be a more Kingdom approach to ask a follow up question and seek to understand.  I’m not saying we shouldn’t have strong convictions – I’m saying the way that many people are framing the issues is harsh, judgmental and lacks the humility that reflects Jesus and His Kingdom.  That is very confusing to a watching world.  
  1. Sovereign – The concept of sovereignty points to the absolute control of a King.  Many of us feel totally out of control in this season, so we do and say crazy things to make ourselves feel like we are in control.  The sad fact is that control is an illusion… we have never been in control, we are not in control, and we will never be in control.  The New Testament declares Jesus is the King of Kings.  Jesus is the one ultimately that we can pray to and trust that He will intervene with the timing and wisdom of heaven.  Jesus doesn’t squash every person the moment they do something wrong.  He is patient and purposeful in when He acts and how He acts – ultimately in his desire for none to perish, but for all to come to saving faith.  Even though evil things happen in this world, it doesn’t mean that Jesus has ceased to be King, and in control. 
  1. Peace – Jesus said, “My peace I give you, not as the world gives,” and I’m thankful for that.  This season is begging for the peace of Christ to guard our hearts (emotions) and minds (thoughts).  All of the conflict and breaking of relationships over political views is so sad.  Proverbs says, “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”  I need people in my life who see things a bit differently than I do.  I have benefited greatly by calmly sharing my thoughts with others who differ and learning why we aren’t on the same page.  I have decided that I don’t have to agree politically with others in order to stay in relationship – we just have to be committed to kindness and love in the midst of learning together.  
  1. Love – Jesus’ command of loving one another will change the world if we live it out.  Speaking the truth in love (Eph. 4:15) is a critical pursuit of the sons and daughters of God.  We must learn to walk in speaking the truth in such a loving manner that those who don’t agree with us will long to spend time with us because they will feel our acceptance and love.  If we don’t learn how to find unity in the Body of Christ in this season – it will invalidate the truth of the gospel we share.  I’m not talking about uniformity, but true unity.  Love is the way, and we always must start and end with love.  
  1. Power – If you feel powerless in this season, you aren’t alone.  So many wonder if their voice, vote or opinion matters or is heard.  Power doesn’t come from who has the sharpest words online or loudest voice – it is more supernatural.  God has the ability to shift and change the hearts of leaders.  We must remember that the One who has all power is waiting for us to call on His name and pray into all that is going on.  The real power comes when we are on our knees – surrendering all these situations to the Father and inviting Him to come in and bring truth, peace, and direction.  The more I pray, the more peace I receive.  When I feel God’s peace – the problems of this world take their proper perspective rather than grow into something that they are not.   

So, as we move forward into next week, may we humbly seek our sovereign King and receive peace from the throne as we love one another and experience His power to live, lead and love.   

I look forward to seeing all of you who choose to worship with us in the Dome this Sunday at either 9:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m.  All safety precautions, masks, and social distancing apply.

You can also live stream our 11:00 a.m. service on Facebook and YouTube

If you missed last week's message from the series, "Lessons from Three Kings", Week 2: "God Uses Insecure People to Do Great Things," click here.

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Andrew Burchett

Written by Andrew Burchett

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