Andrew and Mimi

"Dad, the Lord has good things in storage…”

That’s what my ten year old, Mimi, told me last night.

I didn’t know if Mimi had heard a new phrase at youth group last night that I was unfamiliar with or not, so I asked her the clarifying question. “Mimi, did you mean the Lord has good things in store for us?”  She agreed that’s exactly what she said. 

As we continued on our drive home I pondered the phrase that I thought I heard. What good things does God have in storage for us? Immediately you can imagine an enormous storehouse of things in heaven waiting for us to ask God to give us. Perhaps He is waiting to hear us cry out to Him before he answers.

James 4:2b (NASB) says: "You do not have because you do not ask."

This is a great reminder to us to constantly be seeking the Lord, and not be afraid to ask Him to send some of the contents of His storage warehouse here to earth. It’s not selfish or wrong to pray for your own needs and desires.  Perhaps you haven’t seen breakthrough in your situation because you really haven’t sought God for heaven’s wisdom (James 1) and for His provision to meet the need. 

As sons and daughters who are loved by God, we don’t just show up when we need something from Him. Our lives should be all about going after our God in relationship -- not just looking for handouts. Jesus is clear that we need to be constantly seeking God first. 

Matthew 6:33 (NIV) says:  "But seek first his kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

The verse that came to mind when Mimi spoke with me was this one…

Psalm 31:19 (NLT2) "How great is the goodness you have stored up for those who fear you. You lavish it on those who come to you for protection, blessing them before world."

God’s goodness is stored up for us when we acknowledge Him as the King and our boss, and we release control to the one who truly has it. There is grace and mercy stored up and waiting to be released to us when we worship Jesus and put him in His rightful place on the throne of our hearts. There is provision and goodness in the form of protection available to us if we seek Him. Our God wants to show how great He is by bestowing blessings while the world is watching. 

So even though I misheard Mimi last evening, I didn’t mishear God as He was reminding me that He has good things in store for us. I suppose the thing that impressed me most is that though she knows that some really good things didn’t come to fruition in our lives as a family, she’s confident that “God’s storage” still has some really good stuff for us. 

God has some amazing things and experiences for you in “storage.” Run after Him and be amazed at what He will do! 

Andrew Burchett

Written by Andrew Burchett

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