I am with you Always

When I heard the bride recently say to her groom, “You will be my forever person, who won’t leave me” I immediately thought of those in my life who are the same way. 

After thinking of Linda, my bride of 26 years, I thought of Jesus, who promised he would never leave us or forsake us. 

When I think about Jesus being my “Good Shepherd” as promised in John 10, I think of Him as my forever person who won’t leave me.  The larger analogy of God being our shepherd who will protect us from wolves and thieves and those who would try to hurt us is beautiful.  Jesus isn’t taking a day off or coming late to work to walk with us – he is always there.  He is the same today as He was back in the first century and we can count on Him not changing tomorrow.  Like a Shepherd who is willing to lay down His life for the sheep, He is totally committed to staying with us. 

So many of us have experienced abandonment in this life, and therefore we can develop a fear of being left behind, but Jesus is faithful to us, even when we are faithless.  I take great comfort in the fact that Jesus will go with us wherever we go. 

When I meditate on Jesus my good shepherd

I often think about the “life to the fullest” that He offered to bring us in John 10:10.  One sliver of that larger life that is overflowing and abundant is the promise that I will never be alone.  So many people in our culture are so afraid of being isolated they will even align themselves with unhealthy people who abuse them just to avoid being “alone.”

Jesus is always working to help you realize His care, His thoughtfulness and His peace. 

This Good Shepherd is constantly reorganizing people, events and circumstances in your life to remind you of his presence and shape your life. 

My prayer today is to become more aware of His presence working in my life. 

Since He is always with me, I want to constantly ask Him what He is doing and how I can partner with Him.  He loves to partner with us, and chooses to work through us to reveal Himself to others. 

You may not feel like Jesus is right next to you today.  It may be that you feel extra isolated and vulnerable today.  If that’s you, ask Jesus to reveal His presence in a unique way to you.  Even before you get revelation from God in this way, begin to thank Him for His presence with you.  Thank Him in advance for showing Himself to you.  Then begin to expect the “God winks,” “coincidences” and “suddenly” moments that show you that you are not alone. 

Another way to encourage yourself in the Lord and realize his presence is to ask another believer in Jesus to pray for you.  It could be in person, on the phone or even via text message, let the words that Jesus prays through your friend land on the dry soil of your heart like the rain that refreshes the land. 

Jesus is my forever friend, who will never leave me.  That brings me peace. 

Join us this Sunday, as learn more about Jesus our Good Shepherd.

Andrew Burchett

Written by Andrew Burchett

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