I serve at the pleasure of the president.
Dr. John Stumbo is the leader of our movement, our “Christ Centered Acts 1:8 Family.” He’s a gravelly voiced, tall, thin man who has been humbled by God, miraculously healed and has been leading the Christian and Missionary Alliance in our country for the past six years.
Our church family is a bit less than 2000 churches here in this country, but has grown to more than 6 million overseas.
Dr. Stumbo was speaking at Simpson University today, so I headed up to Redding to hear him. His gracious retelling of his healing testimony was powerful and students lined up at the end of the chapel time to speak with him. As we walked out of the building together he asked if a few of us wanted to get a quick bite to eat. Time with the president is precious and these moments are few and far between, so our answer was yes.
Spending time with Dr. Stumbo and his wife Joanna is natural and like catching up with family from another state. As we spoke while eating our burgers, I noticed that humility coupled with spiritual authority is a combination I yearn to imitate.
At the end of the conversation, I barged past his outstretched hand and embraced him heartily. This is the father of our movement, the one that we follow, the one who the Holy Spirit has gifted and called in these moments. I am so proud to serve under his leadership and want to follow his example. Godly leadership is hard to find, but when you find it, hold on to it and don’t let go.
As we walked to our cars he said to me simply, “I respect you.” I wasn’t sure how to respond to that comment, so I wished them a safe trip and opened the car door. For the past few hours, that statement has been seeping into my soul like water on the desert sand. This is the effect of honor; this part of the life to the fullest that Jesus came to give us. It is profound, deep, and bypasses the mind to nurture the heart. It takes the same path as shame – but honor always brings life and enlarges your heart to embrace more faith and bigger vision. Honor breathes life into your soul like the wind behind your sails.
This simple farewell statement keeps calling to my heart, to allow love to sink in, and be received.
Who needs to hear this statement from you today?
Dr. Stumbo’s last monthly video blog addressing the #metoo, and #churchtoo conversations is a powerful response of responsibility, grace and wisdom. It’s a 12 minute clip that is a perfect complement to what we are studying in our series on Shame. Here’s the link: Dr. Stumbo's last monthly video blog.