Playing on a Rope Swing

When Andrew asked me to write a briefing about the Kingdom and Play, my first thought was ‘Why me?’ and then my second thought was, ‘Because of my husband.’

Marc. If you know him or have met him, you know he embodies play and loves Jesus. He is an example to me every day of how to intentionally bring the Kingdom into your work, rest and play. Being married to him, I have learned a few things, but I still need more practice making it an automatic part of how I live my life.

Also, when Andrew asked me to write this briefing, my second thought was, ‘What does God say about play in his Word?’

Well, what does God have to say about play?

When we are speaking about play in this context, we are referring to the definition of play as engaging in activity for enjoyment or recreation. To take part in, to compete against or to be cooperative.

Close your eyes and picture the word play. What comes to mind?

For many of us an image of children comes to mind. Children laughing, enjoying, exploring, and creating. Children and play seem to go hand in hand.

Although there are not many direct references to play in the Bible, in Zechariah chapter 8, the prophesy describes the vision of a fully restored Jerusalem and says:

And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in its streets.
Zechariah 8:5 ESV

What a picture of health and vitality, the feeling of safety and freedom, to have kids play in the streets of the city. I am reminded that we are the children of God and someday we will be playing in his streets. But we pray that “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” So, why not include play in our lives here on earth!?!

I was also reminded of Mark chapter 10, when Jesus rebukes his disciples in verses 14-16 as they try to turn children away:

But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.
Mark 10: 14-16 ESV

Wow. If I am to become like a child to enter the Kingdom of God, and if play and children go hand in hand, then maybe I need to look a bit deeper at how I play and the importance of including it in my life.

Did God create play? And if so, with what purpose?

There isn’t a verse in Genesis that says, “And on the 8th day God played.” But we can see that God delighted in the things he had created and the work he had done. He rested on the 7th day, but at the end of each day, he delighted in his creation with “it is good.”

There is a purpose for everything God created. He had intention in his creation. And He has intention with play as well.

In my experiences as a child, as a student, as a mother and as a teacher (and yes, as Marc’s wife) I have observed that play has deep purpose and multiple benefits in our lives. Not just in the lives of children, but in adults as well. In your life.

When I asked Marc the other night, ‘What comes to mind when you think of play?’ his response was “Play heals the mind.” Boom. Mic drop.

So that got me thinking and I started writing out my list of things that are true of play and the deep-rooted places it takes us, as children and as adults. So here goes:

  • Play keeps us active
  • Play helps our brains learn
  • Play allows us to make sense of the world            
  • Play helps our hearts heal
  • Play allows our souls to explore and dream
  • Play teaches us how to take risks
  • Play encourages adventure         
  • Play builds relationships
  • Play teaches us how to communicate
  • Play reduces stress
  • Play gives us freedom to experiment
  • Play allows us to express emotions
  • Play stimulates creativity
  • Play doesn’t need any agenda beyond having FUN!

What is a form of play you can intentionally include into your life on a weekly-even daily basis?

I want to encourage you to be intentional about giving yourself space and opportunities to play.

Think about the things you enjoy the most. Activities such as games, sports, make-believe, theatre, writing, music, hiking, swimming, finger painting, etc.

Make space in your week to host a game night, spend time in the park, splash in the creek. Surround yourself with playful people who help you loosen up and have fun. Play with kids or pets. Try a new activity you have never done before. Joke with a stranger. Spray your spouse with the hose. Be silly with a co-worker. Laugh at yourself.

And invite others into your playtime. Let them see you live and laugh and enjoy life. In this they will get a glimpse of their Father’s heart.

Remember, your Heavenly Father delights in watching his children playing in his streets.


If you missed Pastor Andrew's message last Sunday from his series The Kingdom, "Jesus Is King Over All", click here to watch the video or listen to the podcast.

We invite you to join us online Sundays at 11:00 a.m. for our live stream service which you  can watch on Facebook or YouTube.

We also have an outside service on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. when weather and air quality permit. Watch for an announcement regarding the status of the outside service on our Facebook page each week. Please bring your own lawn chairs.


Vicky Zancanella

Written by Vicky Zancanella

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