cup of coffee

“This life is just a cup of coffee, before it’s gone you better trust Jesus.”  


That’s what Don Rogers’ father told him many years ago and he never forgot it.  He was right; this life is fragile and we only have today – tomorrow is not promised to us.  In these days of a pandemic and devastating fires our sense of mortality has never been greater.


Our culture is trying to dive into any entertainment possible right now to drown out the sounds of fear, anxiety, worry, and a sense of being out of control.  People don’t like to feel out of control.  The truth is, that control is an illusion – we only “think” we are in control.  The idea of knowing that if you get this virus you may not live has stopped many in their tracks.  Turning up the music louder doesn’t help your heart reconcile the wars that are raging there – these are only temporary distractions.  When we are alone with our thoughts, we realize that if we aren’t walking with Jesus there isn’t any self-reassuring or hope available.  

 "How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone."  James 4:14 (NLT)

Our lives are short in comparison with eternity.  James refers to our life like a morning fog, a vapor that is quickly is gone.  Though our hearts are wired for eternity, our bodies are fragile and temporary.   

Andre brief


What kind of legacy will you leave in this world? 


This week has been filled with friends who have gone through tragedy, crisis, pain, and are finding that this life is certainly more fragile than they ever imagined.  When you are surrounded by disease and death, it makes you reflect on how you are living your life and what kind of difference you are making in the lives of others. 


Jesus said this, in Matthew 6:19-21 (NIV) 


"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”


What kind of investments are you making in the world to come (heaven)?


  • When we invest in relationships, in people, we store up treasure in heaven.   
  • When we meet needs, serve, bless and help others, we store up treasure in heaven.  
  • When we pray and cry out to God for those who are suffering, we store up treasure in heaven.  
  • When we share the love of Jesus, share our testimonies, we store up treasure in heaven.  
  • When we love others sacrificially, we store up treasure in heaven.   


What kind of heavenly investment will you make by laying your life down for others?  


What will you do with today?   

If this life is “just a cup of coffee,” we better start talking more about Jesus before our friends finish sipping from their cup and are gone.  


I invite you to join us this week online for our livestream service at 11:00 a.m..

Unfortunately, we will not have an outdoor service on the island this Sunday, Sept. 20th, due to the forecast for unhealthy air quality over the weekend.

If you missed last week's message, click here to listen to Week 5: The Kingdom Journey.


Andrew Burchett

Written by Andrew Burchett

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