According to a 2021 drought monitor analysis, we are now experiencing the most expansive western drought this century.  About 87% of California is experiencing “extreme drought” while our county is in the 45% of the state in “exceptional drought” (the worst designation).


By the end of May, we had less than 3% of our normal snow pack in the mountains.  Some central California farms are getting 0% of the water they normally are allocated.  Rice farmers south of Chico were only allowed to plant 50% of their crops this year.  This is the 9th driest year in the last 127 years.  I’m hearing that if we don’t get 150% of our normal precipitation, the rice farmers won’t be able to plant 50% next year.   

Here’s what the Bible says about rain…   

Ask the LORD for rain in the springtime; it is the LORD who makes the storm clouds. He gives showers of rain to men, and plants of the field to everyone.  - Zechariah 10:1 (NIV

The Jewish people would begin praying a long prayer for rain at this time of year (the beginning of the rainy season - late September/October).  It is a call-and-response prayer for rain between the prayer leader and the people gathered.  The last few phrases are translated this way:  

“Turn to us, God, who are surrounded by troubles like water. 

For the Jewish people’s sake, do not hold back water. 

You are Adonai, our God 

Who causes the wind to blow and the rain to fall. 

For blessing and not for curse. Amen. 

For life and not for death. Amen. 

For plenty and not for lack. Amen.” 

In Old Testament times praying for rain was a miracle equivalent to praying for the dead to rise.  Very few “miracle workers” had ever seen it happen.  It was extraordinary if you prayed and the Lord answered your prayer very specifically in this way.    

In the New Testament James is talking about healing prayer in chapter 5, and he talks about an Old Testament prophet Elijah and praying for rain…  

16  ... The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. 17  Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. 18  Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops.  - James 5:16-18

A few observations:  

  • Israel has the same Mediterranean climate as California, and the same issues with cyclical drought.   
  • “Elijah was a man just like us,” is a statement that helps us understand that he didn’t have superpowers that we can’t relate to.   
  • Elijah prayed for rain… for 3 ½ years and they didn’t get rain.  Jesus refers to this time period in Luke 4:25.  He doesn’t stop praying when months and months go by with no rain.  His perseverance in prayer is what we must learn.   
  • Elijah in 1 Kings 18 sends his servant out to see if any clouds are coming their direction seven times – every report is negative until he comes back saying, “a cloud the size of a man’s hand is rising from the sea” (1 Kings 18:44)  
  • Once Elijah heard about a small cloud, it strengthened his faith and told his servant, “Go and hitch up your chariot and go down before the rain stops you.”  When Elijah began to see some evidence that God was moving – he doubled down on his prayers and faith that God would answer.    


    God Answers Prayer

frozen almonds

In 2018, there was a freeze in the spring that threatened the entire almond crop in our area.  People in Butte County began to pray and ask God to bring damaged “nutlets” back to life.  There was no natural reason why the crop was not completely lost.  From a supernatural standpoint, we believe our Heavenly Father reversed the damage and brought such an increase in the harvest that even the news reported that it was a record almond crop.   

almond crop

The same God who brought the harvest back from the dead can surely send the rain that we need!  We are calling our church and every other church in Northern California to pray to the God of the harvest to bring forth rain on this land.  We want it to be on your prayer list every single day, and as the pastors in this county, we are asking you to begin to believe that a cloud the size of man’s hand (small) has already been seen.  

The meteorology projections are for a 70-80% dry weather pattern for this year.  This pattern is called La Niña.  Our situation is set up for God to once again do something miraculous that no one could see happening naturally.   

What we need to pray for is El Niño. 

El Niño is an alternate weather pattern that is created by a shift in warmer surface water temperatures moving away from North & South America.  El Niño brings much more precipitation and will end this drought.  If you want to learn about the difference between these two patterns there is a helpful 2-minute video on this website.   


When El Niño was first observed in the 1600’s by Peruvian fishermen, they named it El Niño de Navidad, “the boy of Christmas” since the water was warmest in December.  So, as my friend Derek wrote to me earlier today, we need to pray for "the boy" (El Niño).  It is so fitting that we are asking God to send the rain by asking for the Christ child (El Niño de Navidad) to come and visit us.   

Will you join us in praying for El Niño and God’s rain?   

Lord, send the rain...

As I am praying for the physical rain to come and refresh our land, I’m also praying for the spiritual rain and refreshing of our souls.  I’m inviting you to take your prayer into song by singing along with these two worship songs below.   

Michael W. Smith – Let it Rain 


Delirious – Rain Down 


(Sources: drought.gov, droughtmonitor.unl.edu)  

I look forward to seeing all of you this coming Sunday, Oct. 17, at 10:00 a.m. in the Dome. 

You can also live stream our 10:00 a.m. service on Facebook and YouTube.

If you missed last week's message Discovering the Mysteries of the Kingdom Message #5: "Discovering the Secret of Living an Empowered Life" Part 1, click here.

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Andrew Burchett

Written by Andrew Burchett

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