sheep in heavenly light

One of my earliest memories is of being a very tiny tot sitting under the front pew of our church in Lorimor, Iowa while my mother was preaching.  That was my favorite spot because I didn’t get “interrupted” there.  My mother could see me at all times, but no one else in the congregation could, so I was at liberty to play and amuse myself.  My older brothers and sisters had to sit on those hard pews and behave.  That was the beginning of my love, respect, and appreciation for pastors, the shepherds called by Jesus, to attend His earth-bound flocks.

“‘And I will give you shepherds after My own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.” – Jeremiah 3:15

We recognize the biblical phrase “after my own heart” in reference to David.  God described David this way because David pursued God with all his heart.  Even in the hard times, the worst of times, when he had no strength left, when he felt like giving up, still he always came back to the place of trusting God and pursuing Him with all his heart.

Our Shepherd after God's own heart.

Our Neighborhood Church family is blessed to have a “shepherd after God’s own heart”.  I’ve had the privilege of working closely with our Pastor Andrew Burchett for the last few years, and I can vouch for his whole-hearted and sacrificial pursuit of seeking after God’s heart regarding everything!

Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” – Mark 9:35

Andrew has preached many times about this scripture and the need to humble ourselves to serve others if we’re going to be like Jesus.  More importantly he has modeled this with his own life to our church and community.

Andrew office

Another way that we can all see and feel the evidence of Andrew’s pursuit of God’s heart is by the love he has for our church family and everyone he meets.  His compassion does not stop at feeling but is followed up by action.  If there are needs that he can’t fill on his own, he finds people to partner with him, or act in his place, to see that those needs are met.  Andrew truly pours out his life for the people God puts under his authority, in his neighborhood, and in his community.

One of my favorite things about Andrew is his creativity.  He certainly inherited our Father’s gift of being creative.  You won’t ever be bored spending time with Andrew.  I love especially when his creativity mixes with his sense of humor.

Andrew Skyw

There are so many wonderful things I could say about Andrew, and how the whole community is blessed by his leadership, but because he is truly humble, he would not like me to sound like a fan of a celebrity and gush about him, or sing praises to him as if he was someone “higher” than the rest of us.  In fact, he would be crushed if I did so.  (He trusted me to write a blog without looking it over himself, so I will only write what will honor his authentic self.)

The other side of the coin.

We are in a very difficult season; as individuals, as a church and community, and as a nation. Take a moment to acknowledge to yourself how hard this has been on you and your family. And then multiply that by a gazillion.  As a shepherd after God’s own heart, Andrew must not only deal with everything we each are dealing with on a personal level and taking care of his family, but he is accountable to God for how he ministers to us and leads us through the muck.  This opens him up to criticism, judgment, and condemnation.  This season has broken a lot of pastors and leaders.  Andrew has been attacked just as others have, and yet, like David, even through the pain and exhaustion, he continues to trust God and to pursue hard after God’s heart.

The call to honor our pastors.

In establishing the first Christian churches, Paul advised the congregation to give “double honor” to the elders of the church who managed the affairs of the church well, “especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.” (I Timothy 5:17)

Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. 13 Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other. – 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

There’s never been a time more crucial than now to start laying some serious love on our pastors and their families.  If you love Jesus, then you ought to love the shepherds He calls to minister to and care for His sheep.  Let’s start doing a better job of showing that love and support right now!

Please apply these suggestions to our other Neighborhood pastors as well as Andrew:  Amy Wadlow, Executive Pastor; Chris Balint, Youth Pastor;  and Sue Musselman, Children's Pastor.  Our pastors serve our church daily, and they serve the church body in special moments, such as weddings, funerals, and major life changes and crisis, no matter when they happen.  There is no strict clock or specific hours for shepherding.

  • Pray for Andrew and all our pastors and their families every day.  Pray for physical health and strength, spiritual health and growth, and physical, emotional, and spiritual protection.
  • Volunteer for what you are passionate about, have skills to do, and you have time for (not determined by tv shows, etc.).  Support his leadership by supporting our ministries and events.
  • Treat Andrew to lunch, coffee, or bring a gift card or basket, to “spoil” him a bit. Consider doing the same for the others pastors also.
  • Let him know that his family is important to you by mentioning their needs or celebrations as you become aware of them.  In fact, right now, there is a facebook post of a mealtrain sign-up beginning 10/26 to cover meals while his wife Linda recovers from surgery.  She prefers lots of veggies, chicken and beef, but of course, everything will be appreciated.  Restaurant and delivery gift cards are a great way to help also.
  • Send a thank-you or praying-for-you card every now and then to encourage him, letting him know that you think of him on days other than Sundays and support him.
  • Whatever God lays on YOUR heart that is a tangible way to love, support, and encourage Andrew and our other pastors.

We thank you, God, for calling our pastors to their ministries.  We thank you especially today for Andrew, Amy, Chris, and Sue.  May you, oh God, satisfy their thirst for you and fill them up so that they are “shepherds after your own heart”, so that they are ready at all times to do the good work you have called them to do.  Bless them especially with the peace and comfort of your presence in every moment of every day.  May the sheep of Your pasture love, honor, and serve them to the best of our abilities.  Amen.


Pastor Andrew looks forward to seeing all of you this coming Sunday, Oct. 24, at 10:00 a.m. in the Dome. 

You can also live stream our 10:00 a.m. service on Facebook and YouTube.

If you missed last week's message Discovering the Mysteries of the Kingdom Message #6 "Discovering the Secrets of Living an Empowered Life" Part 2, click here.

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Leaders (and potential leaders):  you can also text Lead to 530.296.3689 to be on the list to receive a thought, quote, or a challenge from me daily (or most days) regarding leadership.

Sara Cain

Written by Sara Cain

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