Signet ring

I love it when clothing, art or jewelry tells a story of what’s happening in your heart.

I’ve never been one who wears jewelry, but when the signet ring I wear on my right hand was made for me that all changed. 

This gold ring has a trinity knot on it that symbolizes the eternal nature of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit who shape my life.  Since receiving it some years ago, It has not left my hand.  It is a reminder that I belong to this God who exists in three persons. 
Celtic art is filled with these recognizable shapes that speak of the unending life and love of God.  

You can find them on stone crosses that are 800 years old and in the art of the Book of Kells from the 8th century.   Some believe that this symbol harkens back to St. Patrick’s use of the shamrock to teach the people of Ireland about the three persons of the Trinity also being in essence one God.


We need reminders of our true identity as the sons and the daughters of God.  It is important to surround yourself with beauty that reflects God. 

What have you chosen to surround yourself with that draws you into worship or right thinking about the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? 

You might ponder on these questions…

  • What kind of music do you listen to?
  • What kind of books, magazines and blogs do you find yourself reading?
  • What kind of movies or TV shows do you consume?
  • What are the messages your clothing or style speaking about you?
  • What kind of art, sculpture, stained glass or other media are you surrounded by?

Are you reinforcing the values of heaven in the earthly stuff around you or have you put things that speak competing messages in your sight lines? 

I’m not advocating that you get all stuffy and religious about what is around you, but I think we should consider the environment we live in, and as much as possible surround ourselves with reminders of God’s truth, grace, love and power. 

So, you don’t have to run out and get a Christian t-shirt right now, but there may be pictures of creation that cause you find the awe of God, reminders of historical figures like St. Francis, who had great faith or art that helps you remember that you are loved. 

Symbols are a powerful way that we remember the truth.  The right images or objects will cause us to pause and reflect.  We all need more reminders in our busy lives about who is really on the throne.


Andrew Burchett

Written by Andrew Burchett

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