Silhouette of a man standing on a hill looking out at a stormy and cloudy sky

When you watch movies that depict God speaking, it’s usually some incredibly booming voice like James Earl Jones or Morgan Freeman that represent what God sounds like.  The world portrays God as an old man (think George Burns in the 1977 movie “Oh God!”).  Field of Dreams featured a voice speaking to Kevin Costner’s character whispering short phrases in the corn field, although at no time do they attribute that voice as belonging to God.   


So, What Does God’s Voice Sound Like?   


I’ve only heard his audible voice once and I believe it was the trauma and urgent nature of communication that God actually allowed me to hear his voice and it stopped me in my tracks.   


Here’s the short story… 


As a high school senior, I was on a trip with our cross-country team at an invitational meet on the north coast.  While walking downtown with a group of my teammates I was assaulted and punched in the face by a drunk man on the sidewalk who was instigating a fight with me.  It was only three days after I had my wisdom teeth surgically removed (ouch!) – and the punch came out of nowhere.  My adrenaline kicked in and I went into “fight mode.”  My pride was shattered and in that moment, it was fully my intention to hurt this shorter, smaller man whose breath smelled like kerosene.  I had no doubt that this would be a very bad day for him.   


It was in that moment, that I snapped out of seeing red in my “testosterone blizzard” and heard a voice from behind me say these four words in firm tone,

“Turn the other cheek.” 

I was so surprised by the voice that I dropped my hands, immediately turned around and walked away.  Tears were streaming down my cheeks. I felt like my manhood was challenged and found lacking.  I was embarrassed and felt so alone in that moment.   


As I look back, I realize that it was the seriousness of the situation that warranted Jesus speaking to me audibly.  I knew it was Jesus in part because He is quoted saying that phrase in the Gospels.  I don’t think I’ve heard God’s voice that way since then, but I also don’t know that I’ve been in a crisis situation where I needed redirection that quickly.  While the idea of hearing God’s voice audibly is attractive, if my life has to be facing that level of trauma to hear it, I’d rather wait for heaven to hear his voice audibly, and experience Him leading me in other ways while I'm here.   


Other Ways That Jesus Has Spoken to Me.  


So many times God whispers to me in my mind.  It’s as if an idea, a phrase, a picture or thought just “pops into my mind.”  This is how I hear God’s voice most of the time. This spirit-to-spirit communication is how the Holy Spirit, who lives inside each of us who are Jesus’ followers, teaches and leads us into all truth. 


John 16:13–14 (NIV) 


But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.

Red cord phone with the text 'is that you God?'


The Voice of Jesus Sounds Like:  


  • Peaceful and confident
  • Often it feels like the voice comes from “behind me” 


Isaiah 30:21 (NIV)  Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” - Isaiah 30:21 (NIV)

  • It “sounds” slightly different from your own thoughts
  • It's in your own language (unless God is reminding you of a verse in the King James Version Bible, He doesn’t speak in King James’ English) 
  • The fruit (result) of obeying the rhema word from God will lead you to love others more and be more generous, forgiving and kind
  • SOMETIMES is a verse, or a phrase from a Bible verse
  • SOMETIMES it’s a warning
  • SOMETIMES it’s a directive to do something or give to someone
  • SOMETIMES God simply brings someone to mind to prompt you to seek them out and check in, to pray for them, and be aware of their needs and situation
  • SOMETIMES it’s a prompting to forgive someone who has hurt you
  • SOMETIMES a word or a phrase is accompanied by a mental picture that God projects on the screen of your mind (sometimes a short movie, other times just a still picture that flashes briefly) 
  • SOMETIMES it comes to me as a question, that gets me thinking differently
  • SOMETIMES it is a word of wisdom from God (1 Cor. 12:8) 
  • SOMETIMES it is a word of knowledge (1 Cor. 12:8) – which is God revealing to you what you could not know on your own.  It is sometimes used by God to show others that He sees them and their situation and loves them.  It is often followed up with a prophetic word (which is for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort, 1 Cor. 14:3) 
  • SOMETIMES it is a prophetic word for myself or others.  These words always build into your identity, calling and destiny.  They will give you hope and give you something to hold onto when things get difficult.  

Jesus’ Voice is: 

  • NEVER condemning 
  • NEVER goes against His written Word
  • NEVER selfish or self serving

A man holding his hand to his ear looking up


I’ve found that God often speaks to me when I least expect it – in the shower, while driving, while taking a walk. When something just “pops into your head,” it’s a good idea to begin testing to see if this is from the enemy of our soul, from our own thoughts or from God.  In 2 Corinthians 10:5, the Apostle Paul talks about “taking every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ.”  This means that there are thoughts that need to be thrown out as toxic ideas from the devil.  It also points to the importance of listening for God’s voice and obeying what He directs us to do. 


It is important to realize that we NEED to hear from God to be able to get through each day.  The truth is that God is always speaking, we just need to quiet our hearts and ask Him questions throughout our day.  As we ask God questions, and have a conversation with Him, we will live in a lifestyle of continual prayer.  I believe this is what Paul was referring to when He instructed us to “pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians. 5:17).” 


May your sensitivity to God’s voice grow in this season, and may you grow more and more confident in hearing what Jesus is speaking to your spirit!  


A man holding his shoes walking across the sand with overlaying text that reads "Still Small Voice: Hearing & discerning God's spoken Word"

For the next few months we will be teaching, writing and podcasting about hearing the still small voice of God – come along on this journey of learning and awareness of what Jesus is saying and doing.  

We invite you to come worship with us at Neighborhood Church in Chico.

Our Sunday Morning Worship Service is at 10:00 a.m. in the Dome.

You can also live stream our service on Facebook and YouTube at 10:00 a.m.

Need encouragement?  Text the word Encourage to 530.296.3689 to receive an encouraging scripture or quote from me several times a week that is sent right to your phone.


Andrew Burchett

Written by Andrew Burchett

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