KINDRED - A Weekend Getaway for Women

April 25-27



Join us for our 2nd annual getaway weekend at beautiful Woodleaf - just a short drive from Oroville. A group of women from area churches have united to plan a weekend to encourage and uplift you as you learn more about God and yourself. Immerse yourself in Bible teaching, experience heartfelt worship and meaningful connections with women from across the Nor Cal Region. Expect lots of laughter, learning, relaxation, creativity, games, and so much more. We do hope you will join us and come expectant for Immeasurably More!


Location: Woodleaf, 11359 Quincy La Porte Road, Challenge
Cost: $260 Last day to register is April 7
Check in starts at 3pm on April 25th, dinner is at 5:30pm
Our last meeting will be after breakfast on Sunday.

*The majority of housing is in shared cabins. If you have a medical condition that would require one of very few private ($375) or semi-private ($315) rooms, please note that on the registration form. There will also be a wait list for private and semi-private rooms that aren’t filled with medical needs. Those will be first come first served based on when registration is completed.

Steps to get Registered

Step 1: Complete the Registration form below
Step 2: Submit payment by check or by credit card online.  See instructions below.
Note: The retreat is hosted by a team of women but Neighborhood Church is processing registration and collecting payment on their behalf.

Payment Instructions:
By Check: Once you've submitted the form below, send your check, made payable to "NCC" to Neighborhood Church, make sure to write "Kindred Retreat" in the memo.

Send your check by mail to:
Neighborhood Church
Attn: Kindred
2801 Notre Dame Blvd.,
Chico, CA 95928  

By Credit Card: Click Here to pay through RegFox.
IMPORTANT: Paying by credit card alone does not register you for the event. You need to complete the form below to be registered. The credit card processing fee will be added to your registration.

A week prior to the retreat, you'll receive an email with packing suggestions, directions and last minute information.

Merchandise: This year we’re pleased to be able to offer Kindred merchandise available for purchase. If you register by March 16th, your purchase will be available at retreat check in. If you register after March 16th you will receive your product but we can’t guarantee it’s availability at retreat. You’ll need to specify your color and size preference when you register and add the totals to your payment.
Women’s fit t-shirt-$20 (xs-2xl) heather grey or seafoam   Kindred t-shirt-cropped  

Sweatshirt - $28 (xs-2xl) sand or charcoal grey         Kindred sweatshirts-cropped

Hat - $20 (green or black)   Note: There is no scripture verse on either hat.Kindred Hat cropped    

We're excited you're coming and looking forward to a great weekend away together.

Register below